Créateurs de Perles en Fils

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04 August 2010

Plumbago Auriculata : Blue Plumbago

I didn't write about the plumbago until now, whereas actually, it was the first indigenous plant i planted in our new home.
 When i went to Jenny's indigenous nursery (link below) for the first time, i saw these lovely flowers in bloom. They are all over our neighbourhood, but more often than not people very conservatively trim them into a strict hedge, so they just look like another hedge. Shame really, considering how beautiful the flowers are. Makes me think of an exotic "hortensia".
 Anyway, the next day i told Greg to come with me pick up the plants, and check if he's happy with them. After all, he's got his say about the garden too (Well...). The first thing he said about the blue plumbago was : "What? You like that weed???" And so my love for them was born. I discovered that you can eat the flowers : just remove the sticky bit at the bottom of the flowers, sprinkle a few on a salad and voilà a beautiful dish. The sticky bits help with propagation (and they're not as prickly as the black jacks!). Fifi and Gabbi play at sticking them on their arms, their clothes etc... In no time the Blue Plumbago necklace was born!

So here is the work in progress. Believe it or not i made the neck mannequin out of plastic bottles and a bit of papier mâché... Upcycle!

Sticky plumbago flowers on my neck!

The finished necklace


Jenny Dean Wildflower Nursery :

Plumbago Auriculata info :

Website where the flower image comes from :

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